Thursday, September 29, 2005

The State We Are In

Peggy Noonan has a great op-ed piece that eloquently describes how many Americans feel right now:

"Governments always start out saying they're going to help, and always wind up pushing you around. They cannot help it. They say they want to help us live healthily and they mean it, but it ends with a guy in Queens getting arrested for trying to have a Marlboro Light with his Bud at the neighborhood bar. We're hauling the parents of obese children into court. The government has increasing authority over our health, and these children are not healthy. Smokers, the fat, drinkers of more than two drinks per night, insane swimmers in high seas . . .

We are losing the balance between the rights of the individual and the needs and demands of the state. Again, this is not new. It's a long slide that's been going on for a long time. But Katrina and Rita seemed to make the slide deeper."

Noonan offers no quick fixes or even long-term solutions. She just accurately (in my opinion) describes our national culture at this time in our country's history. Is this where we really want to be?

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