Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Althouse: "There are some who are stuck back there."

Ann Althouse has an amusing - yet troubling - post about Jane Fonda's appearance on Bill Maher's HBO show. I, fortunately, do not have HBO so I don't have the ability to even accidentally watch the show. I normally like to watch other points of view to remind me why I don't agree! The few times I've 'surfed' to Maher's show while killing time in a hotel room, I just get frustrated. The following is a quote from Maher, that Althouse pulled from the show:
"Yeah, it really is on them at this point, isn't it? If somebody can't get over something in 35 years."
Read the rest of her post. There's a comment about the "doorways in her house" that Fonda makes, that just about says it all.

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