Thursday, February 10, 2005

Doyle would dip into energy funds again

As someone familiar with the Focus on Energy program, this is now the second time in two budget periods that Governor Doyle has chosen to turn ratepayer public benefits dollars into general taxes. In the last biennium, the Governor shifted $47M. Since he didn't pay a price, I guess he feels he can take more. This budget, he plans on taking $53M.

"This is bad energy policy and bad fiscal policy," said Nino Amato, president of Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group, a coalition of manufacturers concerned about rising energy prices. "It's clearly a double tax on industry and on residential customers who are paying for this, and the money is being diverted in a shell game to the general fund."
In addition, the combined Focus on Energy program (Residential and Business Programs) delivers results and is cost effective. In the latest evaluation report, the program's cost benefit ratio is above 5:1. This is since the program began in 2001. That means for every dollar the program spends, the state receives five dollars in energy savings. These savings help residents and business' reduce their utility bills and add to their bottom-line. This helps make Wisconsin business more competitive.

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