Wednesday, February 09, 2005

WI State Budget: Here we go again!

Once again, we get a budget proposal from our Governor that lacks any semblance of a backbone. He touts what he calls a 'freeze' in property taxes, but turns around and robs from non-related programs to make up the differences. The problem in this state is not that our taxes are too high. The problem is our SPENDING is too high!

There are a number of programs besides transportation that the Governor is planning to raid - again. Some of these programs are funded through other means than taxes. These programs are often funded through fees by participants or mandated collections by public utilities for specific purposes:

"But Doyle's plan would continue the controversial shift of hundreds of millions of gas tax and license fee dollars to pay for schools and other programs, a move guaranteed to touch off fireworks in the Legislature."
Shifting and borrowing is NOT balancing. It is a shell game to "hide" the problem for another two-years. Rather than actually making difficult choices, the Governor (and I presume the legislature, based on last budget process) will play the game, boast about how well they did and hope we all forget when we have to do it again in another two years.

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