Monday, November 14, 2005

Bare breasts for peace!

One can only imagine the reaction the Islamic fundamentalists would have, if what happened here, were to take place say, in Kabul, or Mosul, or any other Muslim city:
"Even before they bared their breasts, a crowd of mostly men gathered on the Capitol's West steps to watch the spectacle. Soon, members of the group 'Breasts Not Bombs' began promoting peace, not war, in a demonstration reminiscent of the late 60's."
Given the self-important posture of this group, I'm not sure they even recognize that if it weren't for the war they condemn, they would never have the ability to make a "political statement" like this. Given the demands of fundamental Islam, they'd have a difficult time demonstrating with a "Foreheads, not Fascism" mantra - before they were summarily stoned to death!

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