Monday, November 07, 2005

Government vs. Real World

This is just one more "practice" that illustrates the disconnect between state government and the real world:
"'It's like a golden parachute in case Doyle loses' re-election, he said. 'This is supposed to be a civil service system, but they're making it a political patronage system. It's like working down South in the 1930s, if you ask me.'"
Too many "civil servants" spend their time 'playing' the system, rather than doing the job. In what other environment - other than government/public - can you have this kind of job security?

In the real world, if you choose to change jobs, one of the risks you take is that your 'old' job will be filled by someone else. Companies can't wait for you to decide if you like the new one or if you fail.

In addition, companies predominately hire people based on skills and experience, not for personal relationships. People earn promotions and bonuses based on results, not tenure.

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