Thursday, November 03, 2005

Breaking tradition, Carter rips Bush's policies
"At a breakfast with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, Carter, 81, diverged from a time-honored practice in which ex-presidents refrain from criticizing those currently holding the office. He acknowledged making mistakes when he was president from 1977-81, and at one point declared: 'I can't deny that I am a better ex-president than I was a president.'"
Has Jimmy Carter become completely irrelevant? I heard an out-take of an interview with a local radio station the other morning where Carter was asked to comment on Judge Alito. After a monologue about how he "hopes Alito will rule against torture in US prisons", Carter turned to self promotion for his new book by mentioning that he will be making a book signing appearance in the Milwaukee area - at Wal-Mart in West Bend! C'mon. An ex-President - and Nobel Peace Prize recipient - reduced to signing books at Wal-Mart? Besides that, isn't the 'left' opposed to the evil Wal-Mart?

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