Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So what are you doing NOW to build support across the aisle?

Apparently former President Clinton only sees "simple truths" in his administration:
"Bosnia's 10-year path since Dayton reminds all of us privileged to lead U.S. foreign policy of a simple truth: Every one of us who starts a large initiative will be out of office before America's job is done. Progress takes time, and speed is often the enemy of progress. Therefore, we cannot undertake an initiative without preparing to hand it off -- by building support across the
aisle at home, and by finding international partners who will pick up the job when America is occupied by new challenges. To this end, my administration built our policy around gaining allied support and adding international help over time."
Given his rhetoric these days regarding the war on terrorism and the failings of the Bush administration, I think this Op-ed piece should be viewed rather skeptically - not because of it's content (which I agree with) but because of the messenger.

1 comment:

Neo-Con Tastic said...

Port Washington hey? Born and raised in Milwaukee however I flew south permanently.

Slick Willy's words are so calculated yet chilling. Never does a word come from his mouth that I don't doubt.

Here's a few of my ravings of X42 from the archives: