Monday, October 25, 2004

8 Days: Election taking toll on nerves

As evidenced in this article in today's JS Online, this election is making people tense. If you think it's tense now, wait for the legal battles after the vote!
Here's a anti-Bush - er, I mean Kerry supporter:

"When Colleen Harryman sees evidence of people backing President Bush for re-election, she gets 'positively infuriated.' 'I rant on the road when I see Bush stickers,' said Harryman, a 36-year-old Bay View resident. 'I get very worried when I see a very large number of Bush signs because I feel like he's such a danger to the country.'
And from a Bush supporter:

When Mary Patton of Wauwatosa sees evidence of people backing Democrat John Kerry for president, she tenses up, too, and the questions spill out.
"I just wonder, do they watch the national news?" said the 45-year-old Bush supporter. "Do they have a perspective of what's going on?"
And from an 'expert', there's this:
"People are framing this in terms of good and evil," said Lisa Miller, a professor of psychology and education at Teachers College at Columbia University. "Really, it's the most core, intense experience, is how I would describe people's take on it. It's wartime thinking."

It is GOOD vs EVIL, and it is WARTIME! Do these people have their heads in the sand?

As I mentioned above, here's more foreshadowing of a close election:

"If it's a close election, it's going to go on for a while, and there'll be all this room for accusations, all the paranoia, all the conspiracy theorists will crawl out of the ocean," said Stuart Fischoff, professor of media psychology at California State University in Los Angeles. "There is a very long, dark night on the horizon."
We can only hope for a significant margin of victory to put the election to bed. I fear that even that will not stop the rage, especially if W is re-elected.

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