Friday, October 29, 2004

Kerry on the verge, then...

Has the frenzy to BEAT BUSH finally done more damage than good? Dick Morris, not exactly your dyed-in-the-wool conservative mouthpiece, seems to think so:

"John Kerry was on the verge of moving out to a victory after the third debate. Taking advantage of its pre-ordained focus on domestic issues, he had finally, finally swung the debate back to the issues on which he has - and has always had - a lead: domestic policy. Next he got a short-term bounce from Bill Clinton's presence on the campaign trail and seemed on his way to closing the Bush lead.

Then came the 'disappearing explosives' story. Kerry's handlers, tacticians to the last, disregarded the needs of basic strategy and hopped on the issue with all four feet, running a TV ad lambasting Bush for losing the weapons after the invasion."

I can't argue with much that Morris suggests. I am, however, NOT overconfident that Bush will be re-elected. There are still too many things that can - and will - go wrong between now and Tuesday. That doesn't include what may go wrong after Tuesday!

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