Wednesday, October 27, 2004

To 'Absentee' or Not to 'Absentee'...

If you've been considering voting through the absentee process this election - unless you absolutely must - please DON'T.

There are too many stories out there suggesting that absentee ballots are in danger of being corrupted, lost, challenged, etc.

Is it really too inconvenient to take time from one day to be responsible and vote at your designated polling site?

There is a strong push to make voting "more accessible" on the guise that more people can participate: No need to have a reason to vote absentee; no reason to know which polling site you are registered at; no reason to demonstrate that you are who you say you are. Did our brave soldiers die for our right to be lazy? Can't we show some respect to the soldiers and citizens who came before us, who fought on the battle field and in the halls of government for our right to vote for the people we want to represent us?

Even if you don't vote in every primary or off-year election, please, take the time to vote for the office of President once every four years. And please take the time to learn something about the candidates before you pull the lever.

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