Thursday, October 21, 2004

Spain says terrorist plotted "biggest blow"

This from CynicalB:
Thought it would be a good blog post. Apparently kowtowing to terrorist demands and pulling out of Iraq doesn't keep you from being a target. This would be a great news item for Bush to trumpet as to why we need to slaughter all of these bastards and why negotiating or pulling out, ala Kerry, is asinine.
I found the following quote interesting:
"Achraf said many Muslims in Spanish jails wanted to get out "and have the opportunity to die as martyrs. In any case, Achraf made clear that the day of the attack, he would be the first martyr," the informant is quoted as saying."
This is the biggest argument to keep the enemy combatants behind bars - for as long as it takes - in Gitmo or anywhere else.

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