French Hypocrisy: The French criticize the US for what we do. Yet, they kicking little school girls out of school for their religious beliefs. The rationale of course, you'll find in the 6th paragraph, we are so smart and right (liberal) that we know what's best for you, ie: we are banishing the head-dress worn by women because its a sign that women are submissive. Yeah, bullsh... !
Here's the 6th paragraph referred to by Joe:
"Another five girls could be expelled this week as the Education Ministry gave school districts the signal to start taking action against 72 students who could not be persuaded to obey the law. Most are Muslim girls, but Sikh boys refusing to remove their turbans also risk being expelled. "I wonder? Just how were they trying to persuade these kids?
UPDATE: This article in the Oct 21st NYTs expands on the situation in France. Again, there is not a law written or 'writable' to separate church and state. The reason: both Church and State are made up of people. People have beliefs. Unless we actually ERASE a person's mind - which I think some would love to do - a law will always contain bias that some will object to.
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