Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Senate Years: 2 Kerry Votes on War and Peace Underline a Political Evolution

In this NYTs article about Senator Kerry, the thing I find missing is any mention of principles. What does the man believe in? What I understand, from this story, and my observations over the coarse of the campaign is that John Kerry is willing and able to find fault in others - whether it be the government during Viet Nam, Ronald Reagan during the cold war, Bill Clinton on minimum wage, or George Bush on, well, everything.

What I'm not clear on is: "What would he do when faced with the same challenges - without the benefit of hindsight?"

This week we got yet another glimpse of how he 'reacts' to 'news' with his bellowing (NYT's word, not mine) attacks on George Bush for losing 380 million tons of explosives. The facts of the story are still being examined, but it's already known that the 'facts' that John Kerry reacted with and used to attack George Bush are questionable at best. Isn't that what he claims Bush has done - reacted without all the facts?

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