Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Illegal Immigration Policy?

Malaysia has what may be considered an unusual punishment for illegal immigrants. Of course, nothing is as bad as anything the US does, whether it's prisoner abuse or it's own unfair immigration policies, but this might raise some eyebrows:
"A total 18,607 illegal immigrants in Malaysia were whipped under an amendment to the Immigration Act introduced in 2002, Deputy Home Affairs Minister Tan Chai Ho said Wednesday. "
Before you get too worried, there's this:

"Most were whipped for entering without valid documents but the women and men above (50) years who were caught were spared," he said.

It may be worth watching this situation as those that do not leave voluntarily may face further sanctions:
"We are unhappy many have still not left...if they don't leave they will face the full might of the law."
Hmm. I wonder where the International Red Cross is? That's right, they're in Gitmo fretting over terrorists being held against their will (so they don't kill anyone) rather than assisting innocents for crossing the wrong border to find work.

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