article in the morning newspaper discusses the outcry over the purchase and distribution of novelty - colored and flavored - condoms by the state. While the cost is paid through grants from the CDC, the non-monetary costs don't seem to hit home:
"The intent of offering novelty condoms is to provide greater choices to those people who might be reluctant to use a condom or discuss the subject of protection with a partner, Vergeront said."
Rep. Sheldon Wasserman (D-Wasserman) offered this telling comment:
"Like it or not, we're going to be paying either way," Wasserman said, because taxpayers could foot the bill for health care costs if the state doesn't contain the spread of sexually transmitted diseases."
Like it or not,"? If I engage in risky behavior - such as driving too fast on the highway - and I get in an accident through my own actions, does the state have the responsibility to pay for my medical bills? If I should die, does the state have the responsibility to compensate and take care of my surviving family?
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