Friday, December 10, 2004

Mother's Little Helper - for Everything!
"As for the politicians who turned out for the Sunday talk shows--e.g., John McCain recently suggested that the government step in to require more stringent testing if baseball owners do not quickly come around to that position themselves--they should at least acknowledge that there is a fair amount of hypocrisy behind all the righteousness. With everyone else relying on biotech to improve what nature has decreed for us, do not expect Mr. Giambi to be any different. As long as there are pills to boost performance, there will be consumers ready to take them. In a culture where we medicate every opportunity, the real surprise in the wake of baseball's steroid mess may be not how many players used the drugs to gain an edge, but how few."
I must be out of the loop on this but I can't believe our society has come to this. I understand there is a sub-set of our society which looks for the easy answer. I understand there are those who can't face the reality of aging. I can understand some people's pain threshold is lower than others. But I can't believe that the MAJORITY of Americans seek medication or surgical procedures to 'fix their ills'. For a doctor to suggest this gives it some credibility, but I think we need to examine what got us to this point in history where a pill can solve all our problems!

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