Thursday, July 27, 2006

Chicago Orders "Big Box" Stores to Raise Wage

The New York Times has the story of a "great" success in Chicago for the working poor:
"This is a great day for the working men and women of Chicago," said Alderman Joseph A. Moore, the measure's chief sponsor. Mr. Moore said he had had inquiries about the ordinance from officials in several other cities."
According to the story, 35 existing EMPLOYERS will be impacted by this decision. I emphasize EMPLOYERS because many of the "working poor" happen to be EMPLOYED at these stores. Many other poor people happen to shop at these stores because they provide inexpensive goods that people need and want to live. The biggest - and baddest - is Wal-Mart of course. But the list includes: "...branches of Kmart, Target, Toys “R” Us and stores like Sears and Lowes."

“The working people were overwhelmingly in favor of this law, and this was conveyed to the aldermen,” said Madeline Talbott, chief organizer for Acorn, a community group that campaigned for the bill.
Acorn? A community group? How many community groups have NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL offices? And it has a number of other "Allies" it works with.

In a previous post, the question was raised about redistribution of wealth - a socialistic concept. Acorn is all about that!

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