Thursday, July 27, 2006

Setting things straight

This op-ed piece does an excellent job of setting the record straight regarding the Israeli/ Hezbollah conflict. First, Israel did not attack Lebanon and does not want to stay!:

"But now we come to the paradox. Despite some of the best efforts I've seen, by our liberal media, to spread poison, there is a growing understanding of what is taking place. Better yet, the response of the Arab world is increasingly directed against Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran; and even against Iran's other client, Hamas in Gaza (now suing for peace). This is unprecedented.

In a partly incoherent, rambling, and apocalyptic address on official Iranian TV, Sunday, President Ahmadinejad said, 'Lebanon is the scene of an historic test, which will determine the future of humanity.' Then, after condemning the unnamed leaders of various Arab regimes that had failed to align with Iran and Hezbollah, 'This is 'the Day that all things secret will be tested'.'"

It's clear that Israel faces more than Hezbollah in this conflict. Read it all.

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