Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Stossel's "Myths" May Be on the Bestseller List, But They Don't Belong on ABC

According to self-appointed Global Warming expert, Laurie David, who has no love lost for John Stossel - or, I'd imagine, anyone who doesn't agree with her:
"Stossel admits there's been warming, but thinks we need to wait for more evidence before we do anything about it. (Perhaps evidence such as the deadly heat wave now scorching the U.S. and straining our electric grid?)"
Is she truly suggesting that the heat wave we are currently experiencing is directly related to global warming and climate change caused by humans? How does she explain that, despite the hot temperatures (it is summer after all), few regions set record highs? In reading her bio I don't see much in the way of scientific study or experience. While her passion is admirable, methinks she falls into the category of "humans-are-bad-except-for-those-of-us-who-really-really-care-and-know-better-than-you" types, found predominantly along the west coast, hills of Hollywood and within air-conditioned penthouses of Manhattan!

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