Friday, July 28, 2006

Q: I'm at a loss for words.

A: What is, something John Pilger at the New Statesman has never said! What a bunch of self-righteous drivel. Here's a sample:
"In Santa's Grotto, there is no place for Howard Zinn's honest People's History of the United States, or I F Stone's revelation of the truth of what the museum calls 'the forgotten war' in Korea, or Mark Twain's definition of patriotism as the need to keep 'multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's countries'. Moreover, at the Price of Freedom Shop, you can buy US Army Monopoly, and a 'grateful nation blanket' for just $200. The exhibition's corporate sponsors include Sears, Roebuck, the mammoth retailer. The point is taken."
Read the rest if you like. It's full of egotistical, patronizing, whining, name-dropping, self-important, incoherent statements that make little sense. It's obvious the man is well read in the classics of liberalism, socialism and sarcastic commentary. But please, man. Make a point.

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