Thursday, July 27, 2006

Yates' former neighbors divided

As, I think, are most people in this country. Houston Chronicle:

"'I had goose bumps. I almost melted when I heard. I'm glad they saw it for what it was. It really gave me hope.' [said Diane Blossom, who lived two doors down from the Yates family]

The jury's verdict, however, was painful for Cheryl Lund- quist. 'I made a comment once before that finding her not guilty is like open season on kids,' said Lundquist, who was the Yateses' next-door neighbor."

I have always struggled getting my head around the term "not guilty by reason of insanity". How can anyone who takes the life of another human being, be considered sane. By definition you're not. Wouldn't the more appropriate term be "guilty, but insane".

By the way, if anyone out there equates my statement about taking another human being's life with soldiers defending their country or a citizen acting in self-defense, fuggetaboutit.

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