Friday, July 28, 2006

Principles and Politics - Scientists

This TCS Daily piece asks the proverbial question related to "global warming": "How is politics involved?":

"Climatologist Hans von Storch of Germany, no global warming contrarian, had his own concerns about Schakowsky's question when his panel appeared:

'I was a bit disappointed about the comment from the lady from Illinois who said, aren't you afraid if you say this, that this would have negative implications on the policy process. I was kind of shocked. Should we really adapt what we say if that's useful for the policy process? Is that what you expect from science? If we give advice, must we first think, is it useful for something? I think that is not the way we should operate.'"

Seems like Mr. von Storch has the right approach to scientific exploration. I would hope that other scientists hold the same standards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you get a chance, read the wall street journal's summary of the Global Warming issue. An excellent summary of the consensus amoung scientists.
