Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hope for End to the Killing of Millions in Congo?

They're worried about more violence - other than the Middle East - over at The Progressive:

"Elections are being held on July 30 in the Congo, a country that has seen a staggering four million of its people die since 1998 due to combat. "Though the war in Congo officially ended in 2002, its deadly legacy of violence and decay will kill twice as many people this year as have died in the entire Darfur conflict, which began in 2003," states the New York Times."

The magnitude of the killing just boggles the mind."
"Though the war in Congo officially ended in 2002..." hmmm? Sound familiar? Ridicule the President's "Mission accomplished" statement and then overlook the reality of environment in the Middle East and parts of Africa. These are deep-seated conflicts that linger - even when western missions are accomplished (Saddam out of power).

But who can help? Who can the world turn to? More:

"A U.N. peacekeeping force has not been able to do much to stop the violence, given the size of the country and the enormity of the carnage. "
Not to mention, the ineffectiveness of the U.N.! Continue:

"So, what needs to be done to stop the horror?"

Ahhh. Finally. Solutions from the left!

"A group called the Friends of the Congo offers useful recommendations.

Neighboring countries should be internationally sanctioned for their continued interference in the country. Multinational corporations need to be held responsible for their role in perpetuating the conflict. The International Criminal Court should be used to haul the perpetrators of the carnage to justice. (The ICC has already arrested one of the faction leaders, Thomas Lubanga.) The global community should fully support the electoral process."

Oh. Not quite solutions, only "useful recommendations"! Yeah. That'll do it. Let's just be "friends"; blame the big, multi-national corporations; and treat this like a crime - as if this were a mugging in Central Park.

Oh yeah. I forgot the elections. They'll solve everything - even though they've had them and, even Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro threw elections! Once those unarmed innocents vote for their candidate of peace, the armed-to-the-teeth, ruthless war-lords will turn their weapons into plowshares and accept the results.

"If the killing of people on this scale doesn’t attract our attention, then what will?"
Maybe the United States should send troops. That way, every time the "now-insurgent-rebel-freedom -fighters" who used to be "oppressive-ruthless-warlord-thugs" kill innocent civilians, we can blame the U.S. and demand we put an end to it! It's BusHitler's fault!

Now I feel better!

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