Saturday, October 09, 2004

"...[I]t's just not that simple."

While this answer from Sen. Kerry came during the abortion question, these five words, I think, define the choice we have to make in this election.
There are some things that are simple. That is, if you have beliefs and convictions - and those are qualities that I want my leader to have. While it's possible to vacillate on most social and domestic policy issues, it is not possible to effectively lead on defense and security of the nation if you don't believe in right and wrong, good and evil.
When it comes to the security and safety of my family, I'm going to act in their best interest first and foremost. I want a President who will do the same for this country. That may sound arrogant and selfish to some, but it I believe the US represents the best this world can offer - freedom and liberty.
Just as I don't believe we are at war with Iraq - the geographic country-, {we are at war in Iraq, with terrorist intent on spreading their fundamentalist beliefs to all or killing those that don't acquiesce} I don't believe it is only the US that is at war. It is all who believe in freedom and liberty who fight this battle.
In my mind, it's pretty simple.

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