Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Joe Klein: The Values Gap

This is one of the better "morals" analysis from the left:

"But they have also been enthralled by the most intolerant of their interest groups. The liberal hostility to funding faith-based social programs - which are provided mostly by poor black and Latino congregations who need the financial help - is a witlessly secularist reaction against some of the most successful antipoverty efforts in the U.S. The liberals' defense of abortion beyond the first trimester has no moral rationale unless the life of the mother is at risk.

Their full-throated embrace of freedom of speech ignores the social pollution caused by the arrant commercialization of the culture. If Democrats cannot concede even these points and show a real appreciation for the values of faith, they will have a hard time winning national elections anytime soon."

A big problem with the Democrats has been their insistence on government policy solving all that is wrong with the country and the world. It's as if they have no faith in the people despite the overwhelming evidence of success. Only the educated elite in Washington are capable of solving 'our' problems. This is what middle-America said no to. We still believe that the United States is a government "of the people, by the people" and we will not let it be taken by those who discard that principle.

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