Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Supreme Court Strategy

This editorial from the WSJ makes some great points. Now that the Republicans have 55 votes in the Senate and an electorate that is engaged, it's time to get some things done. One of those things is filling judicial vacancies - something the Democrats blocked with extreme vigor in the last four years utilizing the previously little-used, filibuster:
"To set the proper tone, Mr. Bush could begin his new term by re-nominating every candidate who was filibustered and is willing to go through the process again. All 10 nominees were highly qualified and had enough Democratic support to be confirmed if they hadn't been blocked by a liberal minority from receiving a full Senate vote. They include three women, an hispanic, an African-American and an Arab-American."
The Democrats went well beyond their 'advise and consent' role in judicial appointments. It's time to spend some capital.

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