Tuesday, November 16, 2004

LILEKS: America is still the land of opportunity

LILEKS:The Bleat:
"Remarkable, but the best thing perhaps is that it's unremarkable: you walk into a hair salon, meet a stranger, and hear this tale by chance. Either she's unique, and this was a one-in-a-million story, or it's a fairly common example of the immigrant experience. How you answer that question depends on your view of the country, I suppose. Panglossian Polyanna that I am, I tend to think it says something good. Would you rather be dropped in America at 16 not knowing the lingo, or sent to Thailand alone in your teens unfamiliar with the local tongue? No question. I'm not saying this says EVERYTHING about America, but it explains why I am so instantly bored by those who insist that it really says nothing. By those who think the rest of the world has flaws, but we alone have sins. "
As always, read it all.

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