Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A leader can't win

From The Seattle Times opinion page:

"What is isolationism really? The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press did a survey earlier this year and proclaimed 'a revival of isolationist sentiment among the general public.' And what showed that? The finding that 42 percent of American 'influentials' agreed that the United States should 'mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own.'

For a country to mind its own business does not mean isolating itself. It means it chooses its own way, neither poking its nose unnecessarily into other countries' business nor neglecting its own."

Unfortunately, as a world leader, the US is held to much higher standards. If we chose the path of isolationism, we would be criticized and ridiculed for ignoring our global responsibilities.

Fortunately, it is the US that is the world leader, who is willing to do the right thing - despite the criticism - which in the end, will make the world a better, safer place. Not to colonialize the globe, but to provide freedom and liberty to those who can't achieve it on their own.

Lastly, if only 42% of "American influentials" agree we should "mind our own business", we are obviously doing the right thing. I would have expected 90% or more of "our influentials" to be of this opinion!

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