Thursday, June 08, 2006

Officials and Solutions

Eugene Kane continues his diatribe:
"Like me, Dumas gets suspicious when some officials start offering solutions only when their jobs are at stake. 'Guns have been proliferating (in the central city) for a while,' he said Wednesday. 'They're making it look like crime just started happening.'"
At some point, the people of the central city have to stop looking for "officials to have solutions" and take responsibility for their own situation.

A colleague in the office and I were discussing why Michael McGee continues to represent these people and concluded that he, in fact, represents many of them. He is their mouthpiece to voice the opinion that "there's always someone else to blame." Kane does the same through is column. At what point can an opinion like Bill Cosby's get through to this group? Take personal responsibility. Have self-respect and, in turn respect for others. Don't buy-in to the "victim mentality". Until that happens, I don't care how many "officials" there are or even how many cops are on the street - people will still kill other people - - with or without guns!

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