Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Shrine to Hitler?

JS Online:Shrine to Hitler unnerves community:
"It's a beautiful location for a memorial to a man who most believe started World War II, in which 50 million people died, including more than 6 million Jewish people in the Holocaust - that's all part of what Junker disputes as bunk."
The human mind can rationalize almost anything it seems. I can imagine that, to some, Hitler did some good. Got the country working again. Similarly, Mussolini is credited for keeping the trains on time. There is even a renewed admiration of Stalin in some parts of Russia. We can add Mao, Castro, Hussein, Quadafi, Pol Pot and others to the list. I'm sure we could find pockets of support for each, somewhere in the world.

It's a bit disconcerting that the JS chose to use the phrase "...most believe started World War II...", but as this confused person proves, the phrase is accurate. To forget this, is a mistake. As the old adage warns: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

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