Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Changing Kerry

There are countless articles, editorials, talking heads, and on-line pundits out there imploring John Kerry to change. They all have their view of who John Kerry needs to be and what he needs to project, in order to be President. What these people fail to realize, they are describing George Bush. "Be more decisive"- GWB is; "Tell us what you believe"- GWB does; "Tell the truth, even though we may not like it"- GWB does (see part two of that statement); "Stick to a single theme and defend it"- GWB does.

All these things are important. We want a leader who is consistent. Who does have a vision. Who is willing to make the tough - sometimes unpopular - decision, and stick with it. Especially in a time of war.

John Kerry is who he is. We all are. The longer we live, the more we define who we are. It is very difficult to make a change mid-life - let alone mid-campaign.

The Democrats should have known who John Kerry is - before they nominated him. Unfortunately for many of them, they were so caught up in the ABB frenzy, that they allowed a competent politician to convince them that he could be the Anybody.

In this New Republic article, many of the same desires are expressed. Please, John, change. It also suggests that GWB has an advantage - he only has one advisor (and an "evil" one to boot), whereas Kerry is "blessed" with thousands.

Obviously I have a different take. GWB only needs one advisor because he, himself, has beliefs and a vision of his own. Some people are not at all comfortable with his beliefs and vision, but more are. And there are even more that, while they disagree with GWB on social issues, will pull the lever in November for the candidate that is consistent and decisive on defending the US and securing our safety. This much was expressed by the actor Ron Silver, during the GOP convention. "I have many friends who are lifelong Democrats, who despise Republicans and will tell all their like-minded friends that they are voting for Kerry. But when the curtain closes on November 2nd, they'll close their eyes and pull the lever for that bastard, because they know it's the right thing to do."[paraphrased]

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