...let the scare tactics begin.
As illustrated in this story, the Kerry campaign has begun, what has become, the standard practice of Democrats for years: Scare seniors by telling them that the Republicans are going to take away their Social Security! My colleague Andy will be happy his wait is over!
Of coarse, these 'tactics' fly in the face of FACTS:
"First it must be stressed that no proposal for an investment-based reform of Social Security (i.e., any plan that includes the creation of personal retirement accounts) would result in benefit cuts for current retirees or seniors near retirement. Not the president's proposal; not any plan currently before Congress. All of these plans keep current seniors in the current system and guarantee that they will receive all the benefits they are currently promised."
And they offer no solutions of their own (or even recognize a problem):
Amazingly, in neither Kerry’s public statements nor the accompanying nine-page fact sheet, did the Kerry campaign outline how he would reform the system to protect the retirement security of future generations. In fact, there wasn’t even an acknowledgment that there is a problem that requires a solution.
And more here
1 comment:
I was patiently waiting for the biannual scare tactic. I'm always amazed that it actually seems to work.
In 2000, the Iowa Democrats ran a 'get out the vote' campaign. They volunteered to drive home bound elderly to the polls. From reports, each were given talking points to try and scare the seniors on the way to the poll. One relative said they went so far as to yell and scream that they were going to end up starving if they voted for G.W.
If someone has to resort to scare tactics then they really have no position to defend.
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