Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Climate Control, without question

An editorial in the Wall street journal today tells of the arrogance of supporters of climate control: "...a recent Senate spending bill exempting climate programs from having to pass scientific scrutiny? The legislative language excuses any 'research and data collection, or information analysis conducted by or for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration' (the agency charged with monitoring climate change) from the Data Quality Act, a new law that requires sound science in policymaking. This is the sole exemption in the bill." How dare we question these scientists and their 'beliefs'.

And to demonstrate that 'news' is orchestrated, here's an editorial in the NYTs: Warnings on Warming

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that the NYTs says,

"While the links between global warming and Florida's serial hurricanes are largely theoretical, even the weather seems to be telling the politicians that it is time to start paying attention."

Yet when Al Gore stood in subzero weather talking about Global warming I didn't hear them saying that the weather was 'speaking' to us.
