Tuesday, September 21, 2004

NYT: Last Deception ~ Really?

I know that Krugman has been on vacation, but it wasn't that long. Did he have his mind erased on this trip?

Here's his lead today:

President Bush is hoping to keep the Iraq disaster under wraps for a few more weeks.

Here's his obligatory 'belittling' (i.e. 'bribed and coerced') statement re: foreign leaders:

"Now Mr. Bush hopes that by pretending that Mr. Allawi is a real leader of a real government, he can conceal the fact that he has led America into a major strategic defeat."

Has he not read any major newspaper - including his own - or seen any television news broadcast, or any so-called 'documentaries' in the past 18 months letting us, the sheltered public, know just how bad things are in Iraq?

UPDATE: Running spell check on these posts is very refreshing. Especially when I get to press the 'ignore' button when "Krugman" is questioned!

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