Thursday, September 30, 2004

"Creeping corruption" - really?

This morning's editorial in the The Capital Times suggests that corruption in the state legislature is "creeping", which I assume means growing worse. It suggests that representatives who sit on committees where they may have an interest, means they are taking advantage of a system "...that benefit them professionally and in their business dealings."

I'm not sure this is accurate. I, for one, would rather have representatives meeting in public and discussing the issues in full light-of-day, rather than sitting down with lobbyists and other interested parties, behind closed doors or 'over a meal'. At least we know where the representative stands on the issue - and why.

Additionally, the editorial suggests something more than the appearance of corruption. It re-enforces the notion that 'public service' is, by definition, noble and pure. Politics IS NOT public service. When someone decides to make a career out of being a politician, they have self-interest first and foremost in their minds and are taking advantage of a system "...that benefit them professionally and in their business dealings."

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